Tuna Melt After School Snack

This recipe is easy for kids to make and works up into delicious finger food.

You will need:
1 can of tuna packed in water
Whole Grain Bread, toasted
Cheese of your choice
Salt and pepper to taste
Dill  (optional)
Sesame seeds (also optional)

Drain the tuna and mix with 1 glop of mayonnaise and dill, salt and pepper.  Add another glop of mayo until you have enough to hold the works together. (We are trying to keep the mayonnaise to a minimum.)

Shred about 1 cup of the cheese (more if you like more cheese) and mix it into the tuna.  Toast the bread in the toaster.

Spread tuna mixture on a slice of toast and microwave for 1 minute on a plate.  Top with another piece of toast, press down, and slice into triangles, criss-crossing the toast to create finger food sizes; that is, kid sizes!

Arrange on a platter and serve!

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